Welcome To
Crypto Therapist.io
When you work with me, I will help you to be in the best state on the inside to deal with what is going on outside
That way, you have the best chance of changing things for the better!
How I Can Help You
- Motivation, dealing with procrastination, and time management
- Optimising your learning strategies
- Stress and stress management
- Building confidence and self esteem
- Respectful assertiveness
- Advanced communication skills
- Dating skills
Dealing with jealousy, suspicion, resentment, possessiveness or distrust
Being in the best state to be the best you can be for your partner
I no longer do couples counselling. Though I do offer individuals the tools to help you to make your relationship what you would both want it to be—and also for you to be the kind of person your partner would most want to be with
Being clear how to go forward if things are not working and how to let go respectfully if you need to
- Anxiety, fears and phobias
- Moods and depression
- Anger management and dealing with frustration and disappointment
- Dealing with the loss of friendships, opportunities, capabilities, resources and assets
- Resolving loss, bereavement & grieving
- Traumas, PTSD—post traumatic stress and current or previous abuse
- Life coaching, performance coaching and how to feel good for no good reason!
- Corporate training in efficiency, effective communication, creating win-wins, being in the best state for working—and how to be in the best state to fully enjoy the fruits of your work in your own time
Bad Bear or Bull Trap?
With recent bear markets in cryptocurrencies and NFTs, life can be stressful and uncertain at times!
When things are bad, we normally end up feeling bad. Obviously, if we failed to be affected by bad things, we would have no incentive to avoid or change them.
The worse we feel, the less resourceful we become, and the less we are able to change things for the better.
I use NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming™ to help you to be in control of your emotions, so that you can be in the best state on the inside, and have the best resources to change or deal with things on the outside.
As Dr. Richard Bandler, the originator and co-creator of NLP taught me:
“The secret of life is to feel good for no f***ing good reason whatsoever!”
When you feel good for no good reason, you have better resources: your mind is clearer, so you make better decisions, and therefore take better actions with your resources and make your life better, which gives you a reason to feel good!
What is NLP™?
NLP is a way of understanding how we think in terms of what we remember and imagine visually, auditorily and in the senses of sensation, taste and smell, combined with an understanding of how language works to change how we think, feel and act. A very simple example is
If you remember something pleasurable or exciting as if you are reliving it, you will feel fairly vividly the same feelings that you had at the time.
If however, you imagine seeing yourself in the past in that situation, as if you are looking at yourself in that memory from outside, then the feelings will be somewhat less.
If you imagine seeing yourself at some greater distance, saying “Oh, that was then—that was a while ago.” Then the good feelings will be much weaker still.
This principle can be used in reverse to view uncomfortable situations more comfortably at a distance and feel calmer about them. It is just one of many ways to change our feelings and emotions for the better, in order to handle things more effectivelly.
With over 30 years of full-time experience as a practitioner, with training in many other disciplines, and as a young-at-heart 74 year old, I can offer the benefit of my broad training and life experience.
What NLP Offers
NLP offers many ways to be in control of our feelings and emotions.
- The ability to let go and detach from situations and be objective about them, however imminent they are and however deeply involved we are. We need to be able to ‘step back’ from or ‘rise above’ situations in order to assess them calmly, rationally and impartially.
We already do this naturally to a degree, but when you have conscious awareness and control over the process and are practised in it, it can be far more effective. - It enables you to release or ‘dis-spel’ (disperse and cancel the spell of) stuck emotions that are no longer serving their purpose.
There are ways of doing this that are used in mainstream psychology. However, the NLP and related methods can be much gentler and just as effective. - NLP allows you to process the details of unpleasant or complex situations far more comfortably and clearly, whether they are from the past, active in the present or are anticipated, expected, or even clearly just about to happen in the future. It gives us ways to ‘put them in proportion’ in order to prioritise what you can do about them.
- It gives you ways to motivate yourself and to take the right action, by seeing potential future situations far more clearly, as well as knowing you have the resources to reassess at each stage and take the best action at the time.
- Importantly, NLP allows you to resolve events from the past without having to give very much detail of what happened. We mostly work ‘content free’ and it saves you the time, effort and discomfort of ‘going over old ground.’
What NLP Offers
NLP offers many ways to be in control of our feelings and emotions.
- The ability to let go and detach from situations and be objective about them, however imminent they are and however deeply involved we are. We need to be able to ‘step back’ from or ‘rise above’ situations in order to assess them calmly, rationally and impartially.
We already do this naturally to a degree, but when you have conscious awareness and control over the process and are practised in it, it can be far more effective. - It enables you to release or ‘dis-spel’ (disperse and cancel the spell of) stuck emotions that are no longer serving their purpose.
There are ways of doing this that are used in mainstream psychology. However, the NLP and related methods can be much gentler and just as effective. - NLP allows you to process the details of unpleasant or complex situations far more comfortably and clearly, whether they are from the past, active in the present or are anticipated, expected, or even clearly just about to happen in the future. It gives us ways to ‘put them in proportion’ in order to prioritise what you can do about them.
- It gives you ways to motivate yourself and to take the right action, by seeing potential future situations far more clearly, as well as knowing you have the resources to reassess at each stage and take the best action at the time.
- Importantly, NLP allows you to resolve events from the past without having to give very much detail of what happened. We mostly work ‘content free’ and it saves you the time, effort and discomfort of ‘going over old ground.’
You probably don’t need ‘therapy’
You don’t need problems in order to benefit from this work. Also, most people don’t need therapy, just education!
The medical concept of therapy assumes that something is broken in you–it usually isn’t. However, most people were taught very little of how to deal with challenging situations. So although I call myself a therapist, my real work, and the whole point of NLP, is to help you to recognise your own abilities and to organise and make conscious a range of powerful, natural coping strategies which we all already have within us!
In other words, I use techniques to help you solve your own problems and at the same time I am teaching you these techniques to use on yourself. Afterall, my job is actually to make you independent and me redundant!
Your Individual Sessions
Wherever you are, I can work over video on my private channel or the platform of your choice.
Most sessions take around two hours, though I allow an extra half hour on the first session for us both to make sure that I can be useful for you. The longer sessions allow us to get to the nub of things and get a reasonable amount of work done. That way, for some people, just one session is enough to deal with the immediate issue.
Even so, there is a great deal I can teach you in general—and sometimes, once the immediate issue is dealt with, others surface, asking for the opportunity to be resolved. So I am more than happy to continue with further sessions to deal with further issues, give coaching, or to give ongoing support. My fees are lower after the first four paid hours to encourage this.
If you get what you want early in a session, unless there is anything else pressing, it is often better to end the session there in order to let your mind integrate the changes without overloading you. In this case, we can credit the rest of the time to a follow up session.
Privacy & Anonymity
I am happy to work anonymously. Feel free to use an untraceable email and to use my Whereby voice/video channel where you only have to log into my channel with a browser.
It is best to work over video as not only can I demonstrate things, but I can sometimes deduce thinking patterns and your progress from your eye movements and body language. If you need to obfuscate your face or voice, we can discuss how to do this for me to still be able to work effectively.
I only need minimal details of any projects you are involved in, only when it is relevant to the session. Because I can work ‘content free’ it means that, unlike most other therapists, you don’t need to tell me your life story or the history behind your issue. This makes our work much quicker and avoids a lot of discomfort in going over old ground. Unless you feel you need to offload a bit, which is perfectly fine, I need very few details, and my job is to give you the tools to deal with or resolve your own issues.
Privacy & Anonymity
I am happy to work anonymously. Feel free to use an untraceable email and to use my Whereby voice/video channel where you only have to log into my channel with a browser.
It is best to work over video as not only can I demonstrate things, but I can sometimes deduce thinking patterns and your progress from your eye movements and body language. If you need to obfuscate your face or voice, we can discuss how to do this for me to still be able to work effectively.
I only need minimal details of any projects you are involved in, only when it is relevant to the session. Because I can work ‘content free’ it means that, unlike most other therapists, you don’t need to tell me your life story or the history behind your issue. This makes our work much quicker and avoids a lot of discomfort in going over old ground. Unless you feel you need to offload a bit, which is perfectly fine, I need very few details, and my job is to give you the tools to deal with or resolve your own issues.
Any time taken to arrange your session is free. Additionally, the first half hour of your first session is free to make sure I am the person you want to work with.
I then charge $120 per hour or equivalent for the first four paid hours. This then drops to $60 per hour for ongoing coaching and support.
So the first 2 ½ hour session would be $240 equivalent.
The next 2 hours in subsequent sessions are $120 each hour and further time is $60 per hour.
In order to respect my time and yours, a deposit of $120 is required to confirm your first appointment. (See my cancellation policy in my FAQ.) The balance of your payment is due by the beginning of the session. This will all be refunded in full if we are not both happy, within the first half hour, that I can help you.
Payment can be in ether, bitcoin or a dollar-pegged ERC-20 stablecoin like USDC, DAI or USDT (I will provide my wallet address. Please cover any gas or transfer fees.)
Or US dollars via PayPal $
Or UK pounds by bank transfer or PayPal £
So, if you’ve got a problem, or you just want to improve things and learn how to feel good in yourself and deal with problems as they come up, then get in touch!
DM me at https://twitter.com/Crypt0Therap1st
Email me at david@cryptotherapist.io
Or fill out the form below.
Let me know what you would like to accomplish and the best way for us to have a brief voice call to arrange things. We can arrange this via Calendly if that works for you. I can be time flexible, though please remember I am UK based.
My name is David Owen. I live in Plymouth, Devon in the UK.
I’m an experienced and active 74 year old, into caving, mine exploration and nerdy stuff like helping to fix old narrow gauge railway wagons. Many of my friends are in their twenties, thirties or forties.
I worked for 20 years in business, industry, the UK National Health Service and the BBC.
Since then, I have had over 30 years experience as a practitioner and am trained in the Alexander Technique, counselling, psychotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique- EFT and Neuro-Linguistic Programming- NLP™. Since my initial training, I extensively trained with and assisted the originator and co-creator of NLP, Dr. Richard Bandler.
Loosen Up!
I have also developed a way of teaching and learning the Alexander Technique far more quickly and easily than usual, which I call Loosen Up.
The Alexander Technique is a way to relax, mentally and physically, more deeply than most people expect, which will free up your poise, coordination and mental clarity. This will make you taller, more confident, maybe even more attractive, more efficient and will reduce wear and tear on your mind and body so that you stay healthier and happier.
I am currently writing a book on this and will be producing a series of videos and remote courses on it. I am available in Plymouth, Devon, UK for private one to one lessons or for workshops, or I can travel worldwide where there is enough demand.
If you want a little more detail on the technique, see this brief blog post here. If you are interested in learning the technique and in my developments with it, then see my separate website LoosenUp.org
You can find my blog, with more about me and my interests here—and website, reading and other recommendations on my FAQ page here.